
Empowering Schools to Deliver Optimised Career Outcomes

Empowering Schools to Deliver Optimised Career Outcomes Empowering Schools to Deliver Optimised Career Outcomes

The National Education Policy (NEP 2020) emphasises upon Career Guidance in schools. Having a dedicated Career Guidance cell enables:

Prioritisation of Holistic Education

Prioritisation of Holistic Education

Identification of Student Interests & Capabilities

Identification of Student Interests & Capabilities

Exploration of various undergraduate fields

Exploration of various undergraduate fields

Training & Certification for Faculty

Training & Certification for Faculty

Our partnership with progressive schools enables personalised smart career decisions for their students.

Success Stories Matter To Parents

Today’s parents are keen to know about your student success stories. These are the outcomes that set apart your school’s students from the others. It includes the child’s holistic growth, learning outside the classroom, guidance on career decisions and the journey a student has had.

Find out the best ways to reach out to prospective parents

Importance for a School

Reasons for not
highlighting successes

  • Don’t Track Student Journeys beyond School
  • Lost touch and connect with passed out students
  • Admission and marketing teams not trained on outcomes
  • Alumnus are not engaged with the school

Typical School
Marketing Approach

Campus & Location
Transport & Equipment
Materials & Marks
Teacher Credentials

How top Schools
Market themselves?

Alumni Life Successes &
Their Journeys
Student Top College
Admissions &
Academic &
Active Alumni &
School Connections

The Univariety Advantage

Track all your alumni, recognise their successes, and engage with them. Harness the power of the most credible and genuine social proof for your school

  • Deep Data Collection
  • Analyze Alumni Journeys
  • Engage With Alumni

Witness enhanced admission outcomes & student retention! Your alumni reviews and how they give back to your school will showcase what your institution stands for.

  • Alumni Database Management
  • Alumni Communication
  • Networking Events

Experience the difference with an outcome driven website, impactful collaterals, new approach to admissions, improved campus tour, and much more!

  • Brand Building
  • Website Integration
  • Admission Team Training
  • Digital & Tangible Collaterals

Leverage the impact of your alumni, digital outreach, and outcome-driven communication to enable holistic and life-long success for your students.

  • Alumni Interaction & Guidance
  • Wide Array Of Research Tools
  • University Connect Events

Students get the benefit of scientific tools to identify the best-suited career paths and the most ideal subjects. These are backed with professional career guidance and alumni mentoring.

  • Personalised Journey
  • Grade-Wise Milestones
  • Psychometric & Research Tools
  • Alumni Mentoring

Parents are regularly updated about the child's career goals and progress after they choose guidance service for the child. Learning & skills that need more emphasis is also highlighted.

  • Decision Alignment
  • Sign-Off Process
  • Student Activity Monitoring
  • Digital & Tangible Collaterals

Your school gets an overview of student career journeys at one place. They gain insights from regular analysis and stats - including country and college choices.

  • Student Journey Dashboard
  • Student Career Analytics
  • Admission & Retention
  • Access To Universities


Schools Served


Students & Parents Associated


Counsellor Empowered


Engaged School Alumni

Case Study

Industry Insights

Univariety's comprehensive guidance system provides personalised outcome to every student. Check out some insights from last year.

Industry Insights


Students & parents found counselling workshops on new-age careers helpful in making a career decision.


Students connected with counsellors more than 3 times for the course, college and country finalisation.


Students reached out to alumni during the college finalisation process.


Parents found psychometric tests helpful in choosing a career path.

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What Educators Say About Us

Mr. Ryan Pinto
Dr. Bijoy Kumar Sahoo
Dr. Vandana Lulla
Mr. Ryan Pinto
Dr. Bijoy Kumar Sahoo
Dr. Vandana Lulla